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Brand & Website Design

Your business is unique because you are unique.

You need a designer who can draw out what is unique about you and what makes you irresistible to the clients or customers you want to attract.

I love creating websites and brands that stand out, and effectively communicate a world-changing mission.

This package helps you get a professional-quality brand applied to a website and social media graphics without a huge investment of money, time, and frustrating back-and-forth. It’s designed to get you just enough to move forward without spinning your wheels in endless perfection-seeking.


How it works:

  1. Brand investigation & strategy sesh:

    We’ll go through a detailed questionnaire you’ll fill out in advance and discuss the ins and outs of your business to figure out what makes you awesome. Like a good therapist, I’ll help you see where you are so you can find the best way forward.

    And like a good coach, I’ll spell out a super clear roadmap to business success, including the most effective experiments you should run right now.
    Includes a 90-minute strategy session and a 2–3 page strategy brief

  2. Implementation & Collaboration:
    Once you’ve reviewed, tested, and approved the strategy brief, we’ll move forward with implementing your brand.

    • I’ll create sample visuals, messaging, and a squarespace website over 2 weeks

    • We’ll get together for two 2-hour sessions online to review and collaborate on changes to get everything just right

      • Session 1 — Refine the brand look & feel

      • Session 2 — Refine the messaging & the website and finalize everything

Not sure if this is right for you? Schedule a quick call with me to figure it out.


Risk-free: You purchase the strategy sesh now, and then decide whether you want to move forward with implementation. You’ll get plenty of value out of step 1 alone, with a strategy brief you can take to any designer or advisor, and if you decide not to move forward right away with step 2, no problem!


This package is for you if…

  • You know having professional-quality and cohesive brand visuals will help you attract the clients / customers you need to validate your business

  • You don’t want to spend a ton of time and money creating something you might change again soon

  • You’re okay working collaboratively and then moving forward to test what comes out of our short time together

  • You’re early-stage enough to know that now is not the time for perfection, now is the time to put yourself out there and learn from your market’s reactions